Chip MacGregor

December 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Amanda (and other stuff)


Lots of stuff to catch up on:

-Today is Amanda Luedeke's birthday — happy birthday, Amanda! Here's hoping you get both birthday AND Christmas gifts this year. (Amanda is a literary agent who works with me here at MacGregor Literary.) 

-If you're interested in knowing more about marketing, Rob Eagar over at Wildfire Marketing is still offering his "Marketing Plan Templates" as well as his "Bestseller Website Tutorial" at If you type the word "Chip" in the discount code box, you'll get $5 off the retail price! (Thanks for doing that, Rob.) The materials he offers are top notch. 

-A fascinating article on the need for publishers can be read here:

-And some workable ideas on how an author can increase the sales of his or her ebooks can be found on the Digital Book World site:

-Now that I'm done with my marketing series, I plan to get back to questions authors are asking. Feel free to send me your questions, and I'll get to it!

-I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Nook Tablet. Holy cow. The best e-reader I've ever had. Fast, easy to use, does a great job with the books, has a wonderful screen for movies, and isn't as clunky on the internet as the Kindle Fire. A GREAT tool. (And for those who say, "I could never get away from paper books and use a digital reader…" I can only say, "Yes, you can. Try the Nook and you'll see how.")

-And to the person who sent me Guinness glasses for Christmas: Thanks! If I knew who you were, I'd send you a note. But there was nothing in the package to say who it was from…

Merry Christmas to all!


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